Quem somos
O que fazemos
Missão, visão e valores
A nossa história
Acesso aos documentos administrativos (LADA)
Horário de atendimento
Regulamento de horário da DGAJ
Planos de atividades
Relatórios de atividades
Relatório do livro de reclamações
Mapa de pessoal
Balanço social
Quadro de Avaliação e Responsabilização
Plano de prevenção de riscos
Código de ética e de conduta
Projetos cofinanciados
Projetos PRR
Informação financeira
Avaliação de desempenho - SIADAP 3
Código Combate ao Assédio no Trabalho
Transição para as carreiras especiais de informática
Agendar pedido de registo criminal
Tribunal Virtual
Listas oficiais de faxes de advogados e solicitadores
Lista oficial peritos avaliadores
Pesquisa de tribunais
Divisão judicial e administrativa
Horário de atendimento dos tribunais
Tribunal Unificado de Patentes (FAQ)
Balcão do Arrendatário e do Senhorio (BAS)
Centro de Formação
Plano de formação 2024
Regulamento de formação
Projetos com a União Europeia
Portal da Formação
Ptograma HELP
Pedir e consultar certificado de contumácia
Apresentar denúncia de corrupção/fraude
Acesso à justiça – ACM
Where we are
About DGAJ
Contact DGAJ
Management tools
Criminal Record Certificate
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Foreign citizens wishing to obtain or renew a residence permit in Portugal do not need a criminal record certificate and contumacy. They can authorize the Portuguese Immigration and Borders Service (SEF) to access their registration, without having to go to the criminal registry service points.
For any clarification, please contact by phone (+351) 217 906 200 and (+351) 217 906 440 or through this form
Note that the Portuguese criminal record certificate cannot be issued for citizens under the age of 16.
The minor child’s ascendants, as well as the tutor or the curator of the incapacitated person, can personally apply for the issue of the criminal record certificate of the minor child (not younger than 16 years old) or of the incapacitated person. For the purpose, it must be presented:
The legal representative of the legal person may request its certificate of criminal record:
You, yourself or as the legal representative of a legal person, may authorize a third person to make the application for the issue of the certificate.
To this effect, a written and signed declaration must be issued, stating:
The authorized person must apply for the certificate personally at any of the attendance services, where it is possible the issue of certificates. The authorized person must present:
ATTENTION: the improper use of this form by residents in Portugal gives rise to the rejection of the request (the certificate will not be issued and there is no refund of the amount paid).
Depending on the location of the application and the identification document displayed, the issuing period may be: